Further tax measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

Following Cyril Ramaphosa’s address to the nation on 23 April 2020. [btn text=”Further measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://vrcid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/NT-Media-statement-Further-tax-measures-combat-COVID-19-23-April-2020.pdf” target=”_self”]
National hygiene strategy and implementation plan

See the attached documents for a directive on public hygiene measures to be implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and the National Public Hygiene Strategy and Implementation Plan. [btn text=”Public Hygiene Measures” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://vrcid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/DIRECTIVE-ON-PUBLIC-HYGIENE-MEASURES.pdf” target=”_self”] [btn text=”National Public Hygiene Strategy” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://vrcid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID-19-NATIONAL-PUBLIC-HYGIENE-STRATEGY-AND-IMPLEMENTATION-PALN.pdf” target=”_self”]
What is allowed: Public transport

AMENDMENT OF DIRECTIONS ISSUED IN TERMS OF REGULATION 10(7) OF REGULATIONS MADE UNDER SECTION 27(2) OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2002 (ACT NO. 57 OF 2002): MEASURES TO PREVENT AND COMBAT SPREAD OF COVID -19 IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES Attached is the amendment of directions issued in terms of regulation 10(7) of regulations made under Section […]
Feeding the community

Three organisations in Bellville – the Haven Night Shelter; the Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID), and Mould Empower and Serve (MES) Cape Town – are working together during the national lockdown to help homeless people. George Narkedien, manager of the Haven Night Shelter, said: “In order to help the homeless people in the area, […]
Grocery stores to comply with the lockdown regulations

Grocery stores, including corner shops, spaza shops, and fruit and vegetable stores, to comply with the lockdown regulations. Read the attached to see directions issues in terms of regulations 10(8) of the regulations made under section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002): Measures to prevent and combat the […]
Rules for COVID-19: Excessive pricing
Read the regulations on competition tribunal rules for COVID-19 excessive pricing complaint referrals here: [btn text=”Rules for COVID-19 excessive pricing” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://vrcid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Competition-Act-Regs-Excessive-Pricing-Complaint-Referrals-GN-R-448-3-March-2020.pdf” target=”_self”]
Coronavirus: Broken down
[btn text=”COVID-19: How to prevent spreading and receive treatment” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://vrcid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Informal-Settlements-messaging-COVID-19-1.pdf” target=”_self”] [btn text=”COVID-19: Symptoms, treatment and prevention” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://vrcid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1920GD0740-Poster-Corona-Virus-COVID-19_AF_A1-1.pdf” target=”_self”]
Municipal account payment
Download the statement given by the City of Cape Town with regards to municipal account payment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The city projects R40 million extra monthly spend on protective gear and negative cash flow, so please pay your bill. [btn text=”Municipal account payment” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://vrcid.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/revenue.customerletter_CityofCapeTown31March2020.docx” target=”_self”] [btn text=”City of Cape Town […]
Measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19
The following attachments are documents issued by the Department of Social Development and the Department of Transport, respectively. These documents disclose the directions issued in terms of regulation 10(5) and 10(7) of the regulations made in under section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002): Measures to prevent and combat […]
COVID-19: essential services during nationwide lockdown
March 2020 – Cape Argus – BALDWIN NDABA AND MWANGI GITHAHU Essential services workers who will be allowed to report for work during the 21-day nationwide lockdown will do so under strict regulations. Yesterday police emphasised that all people classified as essential workers would have to adhere to the regulations gazetted by Cooperative Governance and […]