The Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID) bid farewell to Wilma Piek, the Social Development Manager who has dedicated over a decade of service to the organization. The farewell celebration was held on Tuesday, January 23rd at The Lawns, D’Aria Wine Estate. Wilma is embarking on a new adventure in Egypt with her husband, Etienne. […]
Diewe speel-speel slimmer met wapens!

Die Voortrekkerwegkorridorverbeteringsdistrik (VRCID) is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat ten doel het om die veiligheid, voorkoms en gemeenskapsidentiteit van beide Bellville en Parow in die Wes-Kaap te verbeter. Derek Bock, bedryfhoof van VRCID, sê hulle het seders Januarie vanjaar meer as 100 speelgoedwapens uit die hande van vermeende misdadigers verwyder. Lees die volle artikel hier Artikel […]
VRCID’S AGM reflects on a year of achievements and commitment to excellence!

As the year draws to a close, the VRCID Annual General Meeting held on November 21, 2023, at the New National Hotel in Parow served as a key moment for reflection. From operational milestones to impactful social upliftment initiatives, the VRCID remains steadfast in its commitment to providing unparalleled services for the VRCID additional rate […]
Advanced technology enhances safety and collaboration in the VRCID

Bellville, Parow – The Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID) has significantly improved safety and security within its jurisdiction by strategically implementing advanced technologies. According to Derek Bock, Chief Operating Officer of the VRCID, body cameras, face recognition systems, and in-vehicle cameras have become essential tools in the VRCID’s mission “to maintain and enhance […]
Possible relocation of homeless sparks outrage

The City of Cape Town’s intention to have the Paint City Safe Space relocated to nearby areas in Bellville by 2026, has residents and organisations up in arms. Read the full article here.


JOB TITLE: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGER The VRCID is a non-profit company with the goal to maintain a clean, safe, and sustainable environment within a specific geographical area (Bellville and Parow). The Social Development department is responsible for the coordination and integration of Social Development Services towards adults and children living, working, and […]
Celebrating World Homeless Day 2023: A Day of Empowerment and Inspiration

On the 10th of October 2023, the Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID) and a coalition of esteemed community stakeholders marked World Homeless Day with an event that encapsulated the very spirit of unity, hope, and empowerment. This annual event serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles faced by homeless individuals in our community, […]
Soccer tourney celebrates Heritage Day unity

The Bellville sports fields recently came alive with the spirit of unity and community at the Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID) Homeless Soccer League Tournament. This incredible event, which was held in celebration of Heritage Day on 20 September, witnessed an exciting display of skill and camaraderie as local shelters and organisations competed for […]
VRCID vul vullissakke met rommel

Drie ton rommel is onlangs deur lede van die Voortrekkerweg-stadsverbeteringsdistrik (VRCID) in ‘n enkele dag in Bellville en Parow versamel. Die project vorm deel van ‘n bewusmakingsveldtog deur die VRCID en is aangepak in samewerking met die Stad Kaapstad, wat die rommel agterna na ‘n stortingsterrein in Vissershok langs die N7 vervoer het. Volg die […]