MES, a non-profit dedicated to changing the lives of many unfortunate individuals across the country, hosted an Impact function and launch for Safe Space which was very well-attended. The event’s attendance highlighted how many people are interested in making a social change in the world in support of MES’s vision.  Lilly Franks, branch manager of MES Cape Town, and guest speaker Conrad Sidego […]

Stay safe in Cape Town with these four tips

The collaboration and hard work from the VRCID, the City of Cape Town, SAPS and Safe2Park has resulted in a drop in Northern Suburbs crime rates. Thankfully, in many areas Cape Town is also enjoying fewer incidents. Cape Town and its surrounding areas have industrialized areas and modern services for crime prevention. The problem is, […]

Voorloper vir Voortrekkerweg gesels

Derek Bock is die bedryfshoof van die Voortrekkerweg Stadsverbeteringsdistrik (VRCID) in die noordelikse voorstede van Kaapstad. Die VRCID is in 2012 gestig en het groei en positiewe verandering in die Voortrekkerweg-gebied in Parow en Bellville meegebring. Bock is uitgevra oor hul reis tot dusver en die visie vir die toekoms. Wat is die VRCID?  Ons is […]

Windhoek Central Business District facing a critical turning point

Although significant investment has been made over the past ten years, Windhoek Central Business District is facing a critical turning point. This is evident as the market share and tenant preferences are reducing, or changing at an alarming rate. The City of Windhoek therefore invited a South African expert, Derek Bock, to share Cape Town’s success story […]

Drought crisis warning: Use water only for drinking, washing and cooking

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS COMMUNICATION SERVES AS A CRITICAL WARNING TO ALL WATER USERS IN CAPE TOWN Dam levels are now at 21,2% (storage levels), which is 0,8% down from a week ago. With the last 10% of a dam’s water mostly not being useable, dam levels are effectively at 11,2%. The latest consumption has jumped up again […]

Meet the members of the VRCID team

Since the establishment of the Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District in 2012, the VRCID team members have worked day and night to deliver excellent results for both their designated areas across Bellville and Parow.  They strive to help less fortunate individuals living on the streets by helping them get into hostels and by building new […]

Voortrekker Road makes comeback as Cape’s second CBD

Property prices in the Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District, including certain areas of both Bellville and Parow CBDs, have risen by about 15% over the past year. Derek Bock, CEO of the improvement district, believes that like all other city improvement districts in greater Cape Town – there are currently 35 – the the Voortrekker […]

The VRCID – Collaborating for a positive change in the community!

The Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID) operates within a clearly defined geographical area spanning eight kilometres across and provides top-up support to the City of Cape Town’s service delivery teams. The boundaries of VRCID are the N1 on Durban Road, Steenbras Road in Parow, Stikland Railway Bridge, as well as the Tienie Meyer bypass […]

Safety at Home

Here are some important tips to remember about home safety: Never allow strangers into your house – always confirm their legitimacy Invest and utilize a good overall security system Adequate lighting around the perimeter of your house acts as a good deterrent Trim shrubs around windows and entrances so they cannot conceal intruders When you […]

Kennisgewing van Algemene Jaarvergadering

Die Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District NPC (VRCID) hou ‘n Algemene Jaarvergadering (AJV) en alle belanghebbende persone word genooi na ‘n oorsig van die jaar se bedrywighede, goedkeuring van die termyn verlening en  beplanning vir 2017/18. Datum:          29 November 2016 Tyd:                18:00 Plek:               C.R. Louw Raadsaal                         Sanlam Hoofkantoor                         Voortrekkerweg                         […]

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