Mr. Mullins: VRCID’s star cleaner

Many who live and work around the Radio Tygerberg 104FM area here in Parow will know Mr. Peter Mullins, who for the past 8½ years has been on his post daily, cleaning the streets. Peter was supposed to retire five years ago but he refused to do so. At 67 years old, Peter is a shining […]
How our local businesses have survived lockdown: part 2

The Voortrekker Road Corridor community is one that truly reflects that of a rainbow nation, allowing its residents to gain a deeper understanding of differing cultures and beliefs, and creating an environment where we learn to get along despite our differences, and are brought closer together because of them. These tough past few months have […]
A safer environment in the VRCID area during lockdown

As lockdown restrictions have eased from level 5 to 2 and people have taken advantage of more freedom of movement, crime rates have understandably risen. As a result, we and our partners have been working hard to ensure a safer environment within the VRCID area. From when lockdown started on 27 March through to 31 […]
How our local businesses have survived lockdown

Our national lockdown has been extremely challenging for most businesses locally and globally, and its impact is likely to be felt long after the lockdown ends. We spoke to two business owners in our area, from Clowns Hobbies and Fabulous Wear, to find out how they have been affected by the pandemic, yet managed to […]
VRCID collaborates with local players to feed the homeless: Part 2

During the six long weeks of level 5 lockdown, we dedicated special focus to supporting the homeless. We collaborated with local NGOs, charities and other players to ensure food security for those on the streets, to deliver food parcels, and to support the destitute in terms of health, re-integration, and drug withdrawal. Much of this […]
The VRCID joins forces with MES to feed the homeless: part 1

Our VRCID Social Development Manager Wilma Piek and her team are proud to have joined forces with MES, various shelters and NGOs, to support the homeless during levels 4 and 5 of lockdown. Wilma explained that, “Lockdown accelerated collaboration between the VRCID Social Development team and our partners, based on the need to assist the […]
COVID-19: essential services during nationwide lockdown
March 2020 – Cape Argus – BALDWIN NDABA AND MWANGI GITHAHU Essential services workers who will be allowed to report for work during the 21-day nationwide lockdown will do so under strict regulations. Yesterday police emphasised that all people classified as essential workers would have to adhere to the regulations gazetted by Cooperative Governance and […]
A day in the life of Precinct Manager: Bradley Abrahams
Urban Management and Public Safety are key to the VRCID’s success. The organisation relies on many unsung heroes, not least its four Precinct Managers. They oversee a vast area, through which over 400 000 people stream in and out of the Central Business District (CBD) of Bellville and Parow each day. Precinct Manager for parts […]