Why homelessness is a pandemic: systems, structures and assumptions

The homelessness pandemic is increasing worldwide and so are the concerns around what is being done to support homeless citizens across the globe. There are also rising concerns around whether these efforts to affect change are making a difference to the most vulnerable people in our communities or if we need to change our tune. […]
Record number of Cold Front Sleeping Sites set up for the homeless

VRCID Field Worker Allistair Scholtz with Sleeping Site visitor Paulina Silver. Last month, a homeless individual living on the street in Kuils River died from exposure to Cape Town’s bitterly cold temperatures. “We’re living in the 21st century – we cannot let this happen. This is why Cold Front Sleeping Sites exist,” comments Ilse […]
Love wins at Safe Space shelter

From left to right: VRCID Field Worker Tonio Gantana, Monica Ramsbottom and Dirk Engelbrecht. Back row – left to right: UWC OT students Kristy and Chelin Boltney. Front row – left to right: Safe Space Manager Edmund Martis, UWC OT student Jabulile Ndlovu, VRCID Field Worker Veronica Geduld, MES’s Head of Logistics and Administration Glenda […]
Our new field worker Tonio is proud to make a difference

With the growing number of homeless and vulnerable people in Bellville and Parow, social development and upliftment remain a priority for our team – especially since the COVID-19 crisis. We are excited to announce that we have a newly-appointed field worker, Tonio Gantana, who will work together with our field workers Allistair Scholtz and Veronica […]
VRCID collaborates with local players to feed the homeless: Part 2

During the six long weeks of level 5 lockdown, we dedicated special focus to supporting the homeless. We collaborated with local NGOs, charities and other players to ensure food security for those on the streets, to deliver food parcels, and to support the destitute in terms of health, re-integration, and drug withdrawal. Much of this […]
The VRCID joins forces with MES to feed the homeless: part 1

Our VRCID Social Development Manager Wilma Piek and her team are proud to have joined forces with MES, various shelters and NGOs, to support the homeless during levels 4 and 5 of lockdown. Wilma explained that, “Lockdown accelerated collaboration between the VRCID Social Development team and our partners, based on the need to assist the […]
Winter Readiness programme: let’s change lives together
The winter season is officially upon us bringing icy cold fronts and biting winds with it. Fortunately, most of us have warm, cosy homes to retreat to, but there are many citizens who do not.
Help us make this year’s Compassion Convention a success
Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice – Nelson Mandela Caring for underprivileged youth is at the heart and soul of the HewLin Compassion organisation. Their focus is to provide upliftment and support through education, leadership, and developmental activities to promote moral excellence and self-confidence. One of the […]
Camp for Children Needs Help
HewLin Compassion, in partnership with the Teach Love Care Network, the Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID) and Willowbridge Centre management will host its second Compassion Convention Camp from Monday 15 to Friday 19 July. Last year, the camp which hosts children living on the street was a huge success and this year, it […]
El-Theos drop in centre takes street children camping
Over the years, our VRCID social team has made an effort to get to know and assist the homeless and destitute citizens within the VRCID. We have developed a particular soft spot for children that have ended up on the street due to neglection at home or becoming involved in drugs. El-Theos Drop-in Centre for […]